On 22.10.2014, at 14:36, Justin Edelson <jus...@justinedelson.com> wrote:
> To be clear, Sling Models was designed *not* to have an explicit API
> and to be a way to implement of AdapterFactories. For version 1.2.0,
> it does have an API, but this is essentially just a mirror of the
> AdapterManager API plus some utility methods.

On 22.10.2014, at 14:34, Stefan Seifert <sseif...@pro-vision.de> wrote:
> sling models is based on a very simple API: adaptTo().
> adaptTo passes in only the adaptable, and if this is not the request object 
> there is no chance for the sling models implementation to get hold of it 
> besides some "not-so-clean" way using a threadlocal.

Maybe that's the problem and sling models should have a better way to be 
created instead of piggy-backing on the magic adaptTo().

For JSPs: a taglib. For Java services: a service with methods like 
getModel(type, request) and getModel(type, resolver) etc. Imagine there is no 
ThreadLocal and adaptTo() available, how would you solve it in the most 
convenient fashion?


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