On Tuesday 21 October 2014 10:11:26 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> Hi,
> the distributed event admin moved out of the eventing to a new module
> and we solved 12 issues for the eventing:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING/fixforversion/12327843

just some remarks...

is the component name "org.apache.sling.event.impl.DistributingEventHandler" 
for org.apache.sling.event.dea.impl.DistributedEventAdminImpl without dea in 
it intended?

I don't like the dots in repository.path and cleanup.period as these 
properties are not part of a hierarchical configuration.

And in general I like strict use of camel case instead of DEAConstants or 
OSGiServiceInjector or TXTSSMModelReader ;)

though +1 for both


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