Hi all

I was looking into the following deployment scenario recently:

- Oak Mongo with 4 attached, clustered Sling nodes
- 2 nodes to be used to render the HTML UI
- 2 nodes to be used for background processing

The motivation was to remove background load from the rendering nodes
in order to improve user experience (responsiveness etc).

I got the load distribution working, however, there is one aspect I
think could be improved. Ordered Job queues get processed on the
leader instance.

I would like ordered Jobs to be processed on one of the processing
nodes. However, this cannot currently be achieved reliably, because I
cannot control which node is the leader. Especially in the case of a
failover situation.

Instead of mandating a leader, I thought it may be better to let the
leader nominate an "ordered-queue processing node". The leader could
then assign this role to a node that signals its availability for that
role. As a bonus, with such a setup, it may even be possible to
distribute the processing of different ordered queues to differenet

So in my scenario, I would configure the "processing" nodes to be
available for processing ordered queues. I don't care any more which
node is the leader, because the leader would assign jobs from ordered
queues to one of the processing nodes.

WDYT? Is this a realistic scenario, or have I got any misconceptions
that would prevent such a setup?


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