Hey David,

Thanks for the help so far, I seem to have found the problem for this one :).
When looking at the mdm-parser-core’s generated manifest file I found the 
Require-Capability header, generated by using maven-bundle-plugin 2.5.4. I 
upgraded to 3.0.1 and that issue was resolved. 

But alas, on to the next error :(...

13.11.2015 22:01:23.849 *ERROR* [Thread-95] 
org.apache.sling.extensions.threaddump.internal.Activator Uncaught exception in 
Thread Thread[Thread-95,5,main]
org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Uses constraint violation. 
Unable to resolve resource idoneus.mdm-parser-core 
 because it is exposed to package 'org.osgi.framework' from resources 
org.apache.felix.framework [org.apache.felix.framework [0](R 0)] and 
org.apache.felix.framework [org.apache.felix.framework [0](R 0)] via two 
dependency chains.

Chain 1:
    export: osgi.wiring.package: org.osgi.framework
  org.apache.felix.framework [org.apache.felix.framework [0](R 0)]

Chain 2:
    export: osgi.wiring.package=org.apache.sling.event.jobs.consumer; 
  org.apache.sling.event [org.apache.sling.event [103](R 103.0)]
    export: osgi.wiring.package=org.osgi.service.event; uses:=org.osgi.framework
  org.apache.felix.eventadmin [org.apache.felix.eventadmin [9](R 9.0)]
    export: osgi.wiring.package: org.osgi.framework
  org.apache.felix.framework [org.apache.felix.framework [0](R 0)]

Any clue in this one ? (again, when installing these two bundles, api and core, 
without a subsystem but with the newly generated manifest from 
maven-bundle-plugin 3.0.1, this issue does not arise)


> On 13 Nov 2015, at 09:29, David Bosschaert <david.bosscha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Roy,
> It's looking for an provider of the osgi.service capability for the
> service org.apache.sling.event.jobs.JobManager.
> Normally those requirements are of type 'effective:=active'... as they
> are a hint to a provisioning system but should not influence
> resolution. This service is provided by Sling, but maybe it does not
> have the capability in its manifest (yet). By having it
> effective:=active the system should still resolve regardless of
> whether the service provider actually declares that capability.
> So such a requirement is either in one of your bundles (e.g. in
> mdm-parser-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar) or in the subsystem? If so I
> wonder how that requirement was generated there? The requirement
> should be fine if you use the JobManager but it should have the
> 'effective:=active' directive, e.g.
> Require-Capability: osgi.service;
> filter:="(objectClass=com.foo.MyService)"; effective:="active"
> See also of the OSGi Enterprise R6 spec [1].
> Cheers,
> David
> [1] https://www.osgi.org/developer/downloads/release-6/
> On 12 November 2015 at 23:23, Roy Teeuwen <r...@teeuwen.be> wrote:
>> Hey David,
>> I’m currently using the Sling launchpad 9-SNAPSHOT, and I can indeed 
>> directly install the subsystems felix webconsole, so perfect, thanks!
>> But now when I try to iinstall an esa I get following exception. Is there 
>> anything extra I should to do get it working in Sling?
>> 13.11.2015 00:18:00.060 *ERROR* [Thread-119] 
>> org.apache.sling.extensions.threaddump.internal.Activator Uncaught exception 
>> in Thread Thread[Thread-119,5,main]
>> org.osgi.service.subsystem.SubsystemException: 
>> org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve 
>> /var/folders/h1/k9tr352j615f8jrrzh5yr5b80000gn/T/inputStreamExtract4257393115279757160.zip/mdm-parser-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:
>>  missing requirement 
>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.archive.RequireCapabilityRequirement: 
>> namespace=osgi.service, attributes={}, 
>> directives={filter=(objectClass=org.apache.sling.event.jobs.JobManager), 
>> effective=active, resolution=mandatory, cardinality=single}, 
>> resource=/var/folders/h1/k9tr352j615f8jrrzh5yr5b80000gn/T/inputStreamExtract4257393115279757160.zip/mdm-parser-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>        at 
>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.SubsystemResource.computeDependencies(SubsystemResource.java:395)
>>        at 
>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.SubsystemResource.computeDependencies(SubsystemResource.java:356)
>>        at 
>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.SubsystemResource.<init>(SubsystemResource.java:98)
>>        at 
>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.SubsystemResource.<init>(SubsystemResource.java:90)
>>        at 
>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.InstallAction.run(InstallAction.java:54)
>>        at 
>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.InstallAction.run(InstallAction.java:30)
>>        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
>>        at 
>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.BasicSubsystem.install(BasicSubsystem.java:646)
>>        at 
>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.BasicSubsystem.install(BasicSubsystem.java:690)
>>        at 
>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.BasicSubsystem.install(BasicSubsystem.java:278)
>>        at 
>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.BasicSubsystem.install(BasicSubsystem.java:65)
>>        at 
>> org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.subsystem.internal.WebConsolePlugin$1.exec(WebConsolePlugin.java:191)
>>        at 
>> org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.subsystem.internal.WebConsolePlugin$5.run(WebConsolePlugin.java:267)
>>        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
>> Caused by: org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve 
>> /var/folders/h1/k9tr352j615f8jrrzh5yr5b80000gn/T/inputStreamExtract4257393115279757160.zip/mdm-parser-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:
>>  missing requirement 
>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.archive.RequireCapabilityRequirement: 
>> namespace=osgi.service, attributes={}, 
>> directives={filter=(objectClass=org.apache.sling.event.jobs.JobManager), 
>> effective=active, resolution=mandatory, cardinality=single}, 
>> resource=/var/folders/h1/k9tr352j615f8jrrzh5yr5b80000gn/T/inputStreamExtract4257393115279757160.zip/mdm-parser-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>        at 
>> org.apache.felix.resolver.ResolutionError.toException(ResolutionError.java:42)
>>        at 
>> org.apache.felix.resolver.ResolverImpl.resolve(ResolverImpl.java:235)
>>        at 
>> org.apache.felix.resolver.ResolverImpl.resolve(ResolverImpl.java:158)
>>        at 
>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.SubsystemResource.computeDependencies(SubsystemResource.java:373)
>> It is generated by following plugin and is a feature, so by my knowledge all 
>> services/bundles should just be imported/exported. The dependencies are 3 
>> bundles with all the rest of their dependencies already available in the 
>> standard Sling 9-SNAPSHOT (if I install the 3 bundles separately through the 
>> webconsole, everything works fine so):
>>        <plugin>
>>                <groupId>org.apache.aries</groupId>
>>                <artifactId>esa-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>>                <version>1.0.0</version>
>>                <extensions>true</extensions>
>>                <configuration>
>>                    <generateManifest>true</generateManifest>
>>                    <startOrder>dependencies</startOrder>
>>                    <instructions>
>> <Subsystem-Type>osgi.subsystem.feature</Subsystem-Type>
>>                    </instructions>
>>                </configuration>
>>            </plugin>
>> Thanks alot!
>> Greets
>> Roy
>>> On 12 Nov 2015, at 13:24, David Bosschaert <david.bosscha...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Roy,
>>> That blog post references old-ish versions of the relevant bundles.
>>> You might want to take a look at
>>> http://aries.apache.org/modules/subsystems.html for a newer list of
>>> bundles required.
>>> Alternatively you can just use the latest Sling launchpad (9-SNAPSHOT,
>>> which you'd have to build yourself). It has all the deps for
>>> Subsystems installed. Just install the webconsole plugin on top of
>>> that and it should work - I just tried it and it works for me :)
>>> Cheers,
>>> David
>>> On 12 November 2015 at 11:58, Roy Teeuwen <r...@teeuwen.be> wrote:
>>>> Hey David,
>>>> I tried your second approach.
>>>> I first installed subsystems on felix by following this guide:
>>>> http://coderthoughts.blogspot.be/2014/01/osgi-subsytems-on-apache-felix.html
>>>> <http://coderthoughts.blogspot.be/2014/01/osgi-subsytems-on-apache-felix.html>
>>>> Afterwords I tried to install a subsystem through the webconsole, but the 
>>>> error.log returns following exception:
>>>> 12.11.2015 12:48:31.624 *ERROR* [Thread-65] 
>>>> org.apache.sling.extensions.threaddump.internal.Activator Uncaught 
>>>> exception in Thread Thread[Thread-65,5,main]
>>>> org.osgi.service.subsystem.SubsystemException: 
>>>> java.net.MalformedURLException: Unknown protocol: inputstream
>>>>       at 
>>>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.InstallAction.run(InstallAction.java:101)
>>>>       at 
>>>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.InstallAction.run(InstallAction.java:31)
>>>>       at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
>>>>       at 
>>>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.BasicSubsystem.install(BasicSubsystem.java:560)
>>>>       at 
>>>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.BasicSubsystem.install(BasicSubsystem.java:252)
>>>>       at 
>>>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.BasicSubsystem.install(BasicSubsystem.java:58)
>>>>       at 
>>>> org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.subsystem.internal.WebConsolePlugin$1.exec(WebConsolePlugin.java:191)
>>>>       at 
>>>> org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.subsystem.internal.WebConsolePlugin$5.run(WebConsolePlugin.java:267)
>>>>       at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
>>>> Caused by: java.net.MalformedURLException: Unknown protocol: inputstream
>>>>       at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:620)
>>>>       at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:483)
>>>>       at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:432)
>>>>       at java.net.URI.toURL(URI.java:1089)
>>>>       at 
>>>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.Location.<init>(Location.java:69)
>>>>       at 
>>>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.RawSubsystemResource.<init>(RawSubsystemResource.java:113)
>>>>       at 
>>>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.SubsystemResource.<init>(SubsystemResource.java:92)
>>>>       at 
>>>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.InstallAction.createSubsystemResource(InstallAction.java:128)
>>>>       at 
>>>> org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal.InstallAction.run(InstallAction.java:62)
>>>>       ... 8 common frames omitted
>>>> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unknown protocol: inputstream
>>>>       at 
>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.URLHandlersStreamHandlerProxy.parseURL(URLHandlersStreamHandlerProxy.java:373)
>>>>       at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:615)
>>>>       ... 16 common frames omitted
>>>> Any idea where it’s going wrong?
>>>> Greetings
>>>> Roy
>>>>> On 12 Nov 2015, at 11:11, David Bosschaert <david.bosscha...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Roy,
>>>>> You currently have a couple of options in Sling to install subsystems.
>>>>> 1. Directly by calling the OSGi Subsystem Service
>>>>> https://osgi.org/javadoc/r6/enterprise/org/osgi/service/subsystem/Subsystem.html
>>>>> but this requires you to create some code around it.
>>>>> 2. With the webconsole subsystem plugin
>>>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk/webconsole-plugins/subsystems
>>>>> this plugin is currently under vote for its first release, but you can
>>>>> build it yourself from that URL and install it into sling. That plugin
>>>>> looks like this: http://tinypic.com/r/2z8tbpe/8
>>>>> 3. You can also feed .esa files to the OSGi Installer in sling, e.g.
>>>>> by putting them in the install directory...
>>>>> If you're just experimenting, option 2 is definitely the easiest.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> David
>>>>> On 12 November 2015 at 09:31, Roy Teeuwen <r...@teeuwen.be> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey all,
>>>>>> I have fetched the sling launchpad 8 from maven central and I made a 
>>>>>> subsystem with the esa maven plugin from apache aries. Now when I want 
>>>>>> to install it, I get a popup with the error “You cannot select a .esa 
>>>>>> file. Try again…"
>>>>>> Is this not the way to install OSGi subsystems? And would it be possible 
>>>>>> to install this esa with the maven-bundle plugin?
>>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>>> Roy

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