As of now you can attach a console appender to ROOT logger so as to
also redirect the logs to console but it would not be possible to
disable any other FileAppender. So both appender would remain active.

There are ways to override the OSGi based appenders [1] but that would
be quite hacky as you would need to do it for each configured

To support this case we would need to change the logic to provide such an option

Chetan Mehrotra

On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 6:14 PM, Ian Boston <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a master switch in Sling which I can throw to make all logging
> appear on stdout regardless of the OSGi LogWriter configuration ? Hopefully
> this is already documented.
> I know that sounds like a dumb thing to do. The stdout in question of a
> Docker container connected to a Docker logging driver that I can forward to
> ELK via FluentD without ever touching the disk. I can categorise the stream
> as it's written so I don't mind that the log lines from multiple categories
> are interlaced as long as they are lines (including stack traces).
> I would rather treat the Sling instance (Docker container) as a black box
> and not install a specific Logback or SLF4J Logging driver connecting
> directly to the ELK stack, as there are other applications running that are
> black boxes.
> Best Regards
> ian

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