what about option 2 + 4 together (but only implementiong 'glob' currently)?

then it would be:
- easy to detect if the user wishs to use a pattern instead of a fixed path by 
looking for a prefix (currently this is done by magically looking for special 
- possible to add regex or other pattern support later without breaking 
- gives us a quick start with only supporting glob currently


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Radu Cotescu [mailto:r...@apache.org]
>Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 6:26 PM
>To: Sling Dev
>Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Path filtering support for ResourceChangeListeners
>Hello again,
>I'd like to reach to a conclusion for this feature and we currently have
>the following options:
>1. use RegEx for these filters, as proposed by Stefan Seifert - we're
>already using RegEx for Sling Mapping
>2. use a limited glob pattern matching, allowing just '**', '*', as
>proposed by Carsten
>3. use the full glob pattern matching syntax defined at [4]
>4. support both regex and glob, but then force consumers to use the 'glob:'
>/ 'regex:' prefixes for their patterns
>I'm still not a big supporter of RegEx usage in this case, due to their
>complexity and potential to match more changes than needed due to simple
>mistakes in the syntax: compare '/apps/**/*.html' with
>'^\/apps\/[a-zA-Z0-9:_\-\.]*\/?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]+\.html$'. However if we
>really need to support RegEx I'd prefer option 4, where at least consumers
>can write simpler matching patterns if needed.
>On Mon, 18 Jul 2016 at 15:37 Radu Cotescu <r...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm also a supporter of the glob pattern matching, since those filters
>> easier to write than RegEx [3] (and not just because we'd have to escape
>> every '/'). We could try to support the full syntax described at [4],
>> though, if we need more flexibility.
>> Regards,
>> Radu
>> [3] - https://xkcd.com/1171/
>> [4] -
>> )
>> On Sat, 16 Jul 2016 at 17:56 Carsten Ziegeler <cziege...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>>> I think we should keep it simple and model it based on existing use
>>> So far, the only pattern matching which comes to my mind is matching
>>> based on the extension. Basically everything that is caching something
>>> requires this, like the jsp engine being interested in changes of *.jsp
>>> files etc.
>>> Apart from that listeners are usually interested in changes in a
>>> specific sub tree, but without any additional filtering.
>>> Therefore I think the **, * matching similar to what we know from Ant or
>>> Maven or other tools should be enough.
>>> I wouldn't go with more powerful matching as the idea of the RCLs is
>>> that the filter matching is done by the underlying storage provider,
>>> e.g. Oak. This allows to delegate the heavy work to the storage and
>>> reduce the number of events send by the storage to Sling. Of course, if
>>> the storage can't filter itself, the Sling provider implementation can
>>> still do an additional filtering, but that might be rather expensive.
>>> Regards
>>> Carsten
>>> --
>>> Carsten Ziegeler
>>> Adobe Research Switzerland
>>> cziege...@apache.org

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