> Hi,
> On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 4:11 PM, Carsten Ziegeler <cziege...@apache.org> 
> wrote:
>> ...I personally think we should *not* support any merging because as soon
>> as you support merging you will need additional ways of not merging
>> properties etc etc....
> Combining configs sounds a lot like inheriting Java classes...maybe we
> need attributes like final, abstract,
> not-inherited-unless-explicitly-specified, etc.
> IMO as soon as configs can be inherited/combined  the most important
> thing is a tracing tool to be able to find out exactly why a given
> value is what it is.

Yes we can create a whole bunch of things on top, but why have this
complex stuff in the first place?
Let's keep it simple and understandable.

So far, no one needed it, as the implementation which is used today does
not support it.



Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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