Thanks Chetan,

I'm really wondering if there can't be a better solution :)

For example, look at the jcr classloader module, writing class files to
the repository. It creates a nt:file with a nt:resource child node.
While jcr classloader is not that important nowadays anymore, I think we
have several of those places in our code base. I understand that we
don't have to change all those places, but I assume the optimum would be
that whenever such a jcr:content child node is created, you use
oak:resource as the node type - unless there is a really good reason to
make it referencable. But being realistic, has there ever been a use
case for this?

While we could change the post servlet and add the check, I definitely
don't want to add such a check all over our code base, then thinking of
our downstream users, they would have to do the same.


Chetan Mehrotra wrote
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 11:01 AM, Carsten Ziegeler <> 
> wrote:
>> What about if the node type is changed by default in Oak? This seems to
>> be according to the spec.
>> The problem might then only be with old installations and for this you
>> can provide a switch. Maybe somehow even detecting the situation.
> This has been discussed earlier also [1]. Also concern was raised in
> spec update itself [2] that such a change is backward incompatible.
> Its like changing an existing interface. So any code which rely on
> nt:resource being referenceable would fail. Remember any change in
> nodetype definition is global.
> Changing at Sling Level
> ==================
> Change here would be more manageable. Per spec nt:file would have a
> child node which is having name 'jcr:content'. Spec does not mandates
> any nodetype for this. It can be nt:resource, nt:unstructured or
> oak:Resource. [3]
> ----------------
> ... requires a single child node called jcr:content. The jcr:content
> node is used to hold the actual content of the file. This child node
> is mandatory, but not auto-created. Its node type will be
> application-dependent and therefore it must be added by the client.
> ----------------
> So application is free to choose the nodetype for jcr:content node
> Config Complexity
> ==================
>> I fear we're creating a monster of configurations here and there
> Lets see. Proposal here is to change the defaults
> 1. Have webdav use oak:Resource as default if repository has that nodetype
> 2. Have SlingPostServlet use oak:Resource as default if repository has
> that nodetype - a config switch to revert back to old behaviour if
> application code relies on fact that 'jcr:content' node in nt:file is
> always of type nt:resource
> In both cases the end user does not have to change any default setting
> unless required.
>> although the problem itself can be easily solved at the base.
> Had compatibility been not a concern that would have been an option.
> However as explained above doing that would be a backward incompatible
> global change. While changes being proposed are valid per spec
> (jcr:content can be any nodetype) and change is much more controlled
> (config switches to revert back to old behaviour in case) and is
> scoped to Sling part
> Its just like StringBuilder is better than StringBuffer in most cases
> but even then it was introduced as a new class and semantics of
> StringBuffer were not changed :)
> To reiterate I am just aiming for a solution here which enables a user
> to use a more optimum nodetype and get best performance out of
> underlying repository.
> Chetan Mehrotra
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]


Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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