I think that's not possible as includes are handled before removals. So
while you could remove each artifact from that feature separately, you
can't remove the feature completely
The include handling is a hack (tbh) and we could add a larger hack on
top of it to support such a remove.

But I would rather suggest we concentrate on getting a cleaner model.
I'm currently working on a prototype for this and hope to get something
to discuss done in the next weeks. (but that of course doesn't help you
with the topic at hand)


Robert Munteanu wrote
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get a slingstart up which is based on Sling 9 but removes
>   Slingshot.
> I generated a project using the slingstart-maven-archetype, and I have
> two provisioning model files
> src/main/provisioning/model.txt:
> [feature name=model]
> [artifacts]
>   org.apache.sling/org.apache.sling.launchpad/9/slingstart
> src/main/provisioning/sling.txt:
> [feature name=sling]
> [artifacts runModes=:remove]
> org.apache.sling/org.apache.sling.sample.slingshot/0.8.0/slingfeature/s
> lingfeature
> However, slingshot is still provisioned when I build and start the
> slingstart.
> Is this expected to work?
> Thanks,
> Robert


Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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