
I have a Sling project that needs some client side testing.

Initially I used a package to deploy my dynamic configurations and then I could 
use io.wcm package deployer which will wait until the package is deployed.
Now I switched to a bundle and I am not able to wait until my bundle is 
deployed and active before the tests are executed. Right now I am waiting until 
a certain node from my configuration is created before starting with the tests 
but this is neither elegant nor reliable.

Is there a way either in Maven or in my Test Case to wait for the bundle to be 

Currently I setup and start Sling with the slingstart-maven-plugin and then 
deploy the configuration bundle with the maven-sling-plugin because my 
configuration depends on other bundles to be active in order to be deployed and 
putting the bundle in the provisioning model did not work.

Thanks - Andreas Schaefer Sr.

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