One thing I noticed in the example is the (apparent) use of the class name
as the namespace. While there doesn't appear to be anything in the API to
encourage or require this (if anything the opposite), I'd suggest updating
the example to use something that wasn't an implementation detail so that
SPI implementors don't get the wrong idea.

I created to
change this. Of course, the namespaces used there are not normative -- just
an idea.

I'm interested to see how this gets used.


On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 9:38 AM Bertrand Delacretaz <>

> Hi,
> I've been working on a (very simple) module to create a "capabilities"
> endpoint, where a Sling instance can let HTTP clients know about its
> version levels, presence or absence of certain services etc.
> It's at
> and if no one is opposed I'll move it to its own module and make a
> first release later this week.
> Feedback is welcome.
> -Bertrand

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