
On Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 7:47 PM Jörg Hoh <jhoh...@googlemail.com.invalid> wrote:
> ...ok, so do we continue here?...

I suggest mostly going with Karl's idea but fixing one obvious bug:

1) Introduce a new DELETE REAL USER <u> command that only deletes real users.

2) Keep DELETE USER <u> as is, deleting both types of users. Document
these commands better to avoid confusion here.

3) Fix DELETE SERVICE USER <u> so that it only deletes service users.

4) None of these commands fail if <u> is not of the expected type or
does not exist, they just log INFO messages in such cases.

I think that's a reasonable way to fix things while staying
compatible, except for 3) but the current behavior there is clearly a
bug which needs fixing.



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