
I agree, variant B sounds like the better option due to the reasons you mention. It also provides a step by step way of moving a single type of jobs to not use search anymore.

The only downside is that this doesn't force anyone to think about her job usage as everything just runs as before. Only if you want to improve you can and adjust the configurations.



Stefan Egli wrote

I've given this job query issue some more thought and would like us to discuss and hopefully soon agree on which way we go:

Variant A: deprecate job query methods (as suggested originally):
* upside: eventually we'll have a cleaner job API
* downside: users of the job query API need to find alternatives to queries, individually

Variant B: allow disabling job queries (https://s.apache.org/68ys):
* upside: allows performance optimizations on a case-by-case basis (optimizations include not requiring indexing), thereby promoting query-less use cases going forward without API deprecation nevertheless.
* downside: we stick to the current job API

Note that in both cases the 'org.apache.sling.event.jobs' export version will have to be updated from 2.0.1 to 2.1.0 - which will affect users/customers that implement interfaces from that package (that's not something typical though, but there are a few exotic cases where that's the case).

At this stage I'm in favour of variant B as I don't see a good alternative for job queries other than users re-implementing a fair chunk of the sling event implementation themselves (which would sort of defeat the purpose, besides the fact that it would not be trivial as there aren't enough hooks in the API for anyone other than the implementor to do this consistently).


On 17.12.18 16:08, Stefan Egli wrote:
We could introduce a config option which would allow a job queue to opt-out of job queries voluntarily. That would allow the implementation to treat those jobs differently (cheaper, without indexing them).

I guess such a new opt-out of queries mechanism could be less controversial and provide at least some short-term gain. It doesn't answer the question how job queries should be replaced though..

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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