
I am working on a project with many backend OSGi services that have many 
references between them and I ran into many issues when the services were not 
fully workable due to unsatisfied references.

The Testing Clients’ OsgiConsoleClient has a few methods to introspect the 
state of the OSGi bundles, components and services but they are not easy to use.

In my case I need to find the ‘Declarative Service Components’, then get their 
Service Info and check that any reference of these components are satisfied. 
After some back and forth I was able to implement these tests but I could not 
use the OsgiConsoleClient which makes for a lot of heavy handed JsonNode 

So I was wondering if this is of interest for Sling to have a better way to 
inspect the OSGi system. This is what I have in mind:
- Add additional data from the bundles into the BundleInfo class (like the 
Declarative Service Components)
- Add additional data from the components into the ComponentInfo (references 
- Add a method to call the OSGi Console from the OsgiConsoleClient directly (it 
does not support depths so the SlingClient’s doGet() does not work)

Let me know if you think this would be valuable for Sling Testing Clients.

- Andy

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