>LUCENE-9660. Perhaps it's worth porting over to Solr too.
+1 to this, I had been wondering about that!

The above explanation of the test suite error messages is great, and
perhaps would be nice to have in "contributing" docs too.

FWIW: the test-suite-level "no runnable tests" errors usually crop up for
me when specifying tests with wildcard expressions, e.g.:
`-Dtests.class='org.apache.solr.search.facet.*'` (with `DebugAgg` being the
culprit in that case). I just ignore these "no runnable tests" errors
(though perhaps there's a better way?). Not sure if that applies in this
case (and come to think of it, I don't recall whether this applies to both
`ant` or `gradle` builds), but I thought I'd mention it.


On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 11:59 AM Dawid Weiss <dawid.we...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > The test.seed will cause the randomized testing to choose the same
> locale/timezone/encoding/etc so that if you're hitting a bug that only
> shows up with swahili or for the kiribati timezone it will reproduce
> reliably.
> Correct. Some things will be "derived" from this property at build
> time (in gradle), other things will be derived from this seed at
> runtime. Ideally we'd pick everything at runtime but some things can
> only be done prior to the JVM launching (file.encoding, for example).
> > A) it's key to run cleanTest before running that "reproduce with"
> command so that the build doesn't pass thinking the test is up to date (the
> reproduce line probably ought to include this by default).
> This has been changed on Lucene side -- see LUCENE-9660. Perhaps it's
> worth porting over to Solr too.
> > The thread leak version fails a test called "class method" and the
> reproduce string always fails with a message about junit not finding tests,
> because there isn't any test named .classMethod
> I can explain this. JUnit reports historically didn't have any way of
> passing exceptions (failures) for non-test methods. This synthetic
> "class method" is used by the test framework to report exceptions that
> happened in class constructors, class-level before/after hooks and in
> other scopes that are outside of the regular test methods.
> These errors are also aggregating: a thread leak error in Solr tests
> is typically a result of some other, prior failure that leaves
> unclosed file descriptors, non-interruptible threads running in the
> background, etc. In an ideal world, a try-with-resources would close
> these resources (such as thread pools), even if an exception is thrown
> in the test body. Things being as they are, you get the source
> exception first, followed by the framework complaining about the
> inability to clean up test class threads (which results in completely
> broken test suite isolation).
> Dawid
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