Gus, re: the SKG failure: I was able to reproduce it, but haven't dug in
enough to say exactly what's going on. (off-the-cuff response: this test is
quite robust, and has uncovered edge-case issues before that are more about
"distributed faceting" generally than about "SKG" per se). I'd be surprised
if this turns out to be a blocker for 9.0, but on the other hand it doesn't
appear to reproduce equally on branch_8x, so I'm not necessarily assuming
anything. More soon ...

On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 10:03 AM Ishan Chattopadhyaya <> wrote:

> Noble and I just came across a bug in master concerning restarting of
> Solr, where it was observed that registering live_nodes upon restart was
> failing with NodeExistsException. We haven't looked further and don't know
> if it affects 9.0.
> In case it is a problem, and 9.0 has already released, we can try to find
> a workaround or do a bug fix release.
> Just letting you know what we know and don't know.
> On Mon, 2 May, 2022, 4:25 pm Jan Høydahl, <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If I close the vote now, it will technically pass with four +1s, one -1
>> and one -0. A bit too fragile result IMO.
>> I would too like to understand the severity of the configsets bug, and
>> whether it is serious enough to stop the release.
>> As I understand the issue, it ONLY affects those creating a new configset
>> based on another one in ZK.
>> I.e. there are many workarounds for this bug
>> - Use an authenticated user when creating configset (and not an
>> "untrusted" one)
>> - Upload a new configset rather than basing it on an existing?
>> - Upload configset directly to Zookeeper
>> Please verify or shoot down my assumption. If my assumption is correct,
>> I'll keep my +1 vote, and wait for a few more +1s before closing the vote.
>> If the issue is indeed more serious and there are more -1's, I'll happily
>> respin after the fix.
>> Jan
>> 29. apr. 2022 kl. 21:03 skrev Gus Heck <>:
>> -0 for now, pending discussion of severity... I have hit a reproducing
>> failure:
>>  ./gradlew :solr:core:test --tests
>> ""
>> -Ptests.jvms=5 -Ptests.jvmargs=-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
>> -Ptests.seed=C730F33909C71234 -Ptests.badapples=false
>> -Ptests.file.encoding=UTF-8
>> On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 1:28 PM Kevin Risden <> wrote:
>>> Smoketester passed on the second try for me: SUCCESS! [1:29:24.214674]
>>> The first failure was "gradlew :solr:core:test --tests
>>> "" -Ptests.jvms=4
>>> -Ptests.jvmargs=-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 -Ptests.seed=66730F3AEF630DB6
>>> -Ptests.badapples=false -Ptests.file.encoding=US-ASCII". I haven't
>>> reproduced it yet.
>>> However it looks like the configsets API is broken with one of the
>>> simpler examples. Eric Pugh found this the other day and asked me to
>>> check on 9.0 RC4:
>>> I'm still poking around the release today.
>>> Based on the configset api error - I'm -1 for releasing.
>>> Kevin Risden
>>> On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 11:26 AM Mike Drob <> wrote:
>>>> +1 (binding)
>>>> Smoketester succeeded with Java 11 and Java 17 -- SUCCESS!
>>>> [2:04:03.678208]
>>>> Unlike for some others, this succeeded on my first try. I guess I'm
>>>> just lucky :)
>>>> Tested building an application that uses EmbeddedSolrServer and depends
>>>> on our maven artifacts - validated SOLR-16157, SOLR-16117
>>>> Tested a mixed state cluster with 8.11.1 and 9.0.0 nodes (no security).
>>>> Queries worked as expected.
>>>> Tested a rolling upgrade from 8.11.1 to 9.0.0 with basic authentication
>>>> enabled. Queries failed (as expected) at first, but then succeeded when
>>>> setting solr.pki.sendVersion=v1 and solr.pki.acceptVersions=v1,v2on
>>>> the Solr 9 node, as described in our ref guide and upgrade notes.
>>>> Manually checked for license headers in source release, missing headers
>>>> on the following:
>>>> *
>>>> * solr/core/src/resources/SystemCollection*.xml
>>>> * lots and lots of stuff under solr-ref-guide, unclear which pieces of
>>>> this are our code and which are copied from external sources.
>>>> * modules/*/
>>>> Will file a follow up JIRA for the license issues.
>>>> On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 8:15 AM Jan Høydahl <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Please vote for release candidate 4 for Solr 9.0.0
>>>>> The artifacts can be downloaded from:
>>>>> You can run the smoke tester directly with this command:
>>>>> python3 -u dev-tools/scripts/ \
>>>>> You are encouraged to do an extra thorough test and manual inspection
>>>>> beyond
>>>>> running the smoketester, since this is a major release.
>>>>> You can build a release-candidate of the official docker image using
>>>>> the following command:
>>>>> DIST_BASE= && \
>>>>> RC_FOLDER=solr-9.0.0-RC4-rev-d6e36d590896755ca962c6d2ddedf78ca4f463cc && \
>>>>>   docker build $DIST_BASE/$RC_FOLDER/solr/docker/Dockerfile.official \
>>>>>   --build-arg
>>>>> SOLR_DOWNLOAD_URL=$DIST_BASE/$RC_FOLDER/solr/solr-9.0.0.tgz \
>>>>>   -t solr-rc:9.0.0-4
>>>>> The vote will be open for at least 72 hours i.e. until 2022-04-30
>>>>> 13:00 UTC.
>>>>> [ ] +1  approve
>>>>> [ ] +0  no opinion
>>>>> [ ] -1  disapprove (and reason why)
>>>>> Here is my +1
>>>>> SUCCESS! [0:56:56.134141]
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>>>> For additional commands, e-mail:
>> --
>> (work)
>> (play)

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