Curious, with SolrJ can a response from Solr come with a non-0
"status" that does not result in an exception?  I'm especially
thinking of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.SolrResponseBase#getStatus
which is *not* in SolrResponse.  The new code-generated responses
(such as 
don't extend this and don't have a status whereas most existing
subclasses (such as
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.CollectionAdminResponse) do,
thus could in theory have a non-zero response.  As a consequence of
this ambiguity, there is doubt as to whether or not test or any client
really should be looking for this status and maybe asserting it.
Maybe Jason you might know having worked on the V2 API?

~ David Smiley
Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer

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