On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 11:04:04AM -0400, Barry Jaspan wrote:
> I'm curious to know why SpamAssassin 3.0 requires Perl 5.6.1.  The reason 
> is that I develop a product that uses SpamAssassin on MacOS X, and MacOS X 
> 10.2 has Perl 5.6.0.   I do not want to have to embed an entire Perl 5.8 
> distribution, though I can and do include a number of modules that are not 
> standard on MacOS X 10.2, and can work around individual problems as 
> necessary.

The two main things I seem to remember are that perl 5.6.1 fixes a bunch
of bugs from 5.6.0, and the MakeMaker in 5.6.0 requires kluges to work
correctly, in the same way 5.005 did.  (and just for fun, the MakeMaker
version number is the same in 5.6.0 and 5.6.1, even though the modules are

FYI: MacOS X default perl has several issues.  The main (and rather
disturbing) one that I can recall is that it has absolutely no support
for setuid() and setgid(), which we came across when working on spamd.

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