On 08/08/2012 12:46 PM, Jari Fredriksson wrote:
08.08.2012 11:19, Kevin Golding kirjoitti:
So I got asked if I could run a masscheck for ruleqa this morning, which 
puzzled me because I thought I had been...

Sure enough, checking the ruleqa site shows no recent uploads from me, which 
was puzzling since I checked my cron email from yesterday and it ended with:

     17919591 100%    5.45MB/s    0:00:03 (xfer#1, to-check=1/2)
      2405466 100%    7.80MB/s    0:00:00 (xfer#2, to-check=0/2)

sent 851022 bytes  received 34816 bytes  136282.77 bytes/sec
total size is 20325057  speedup is 22.94

That's sent to rsync.spamassassin.org::corpus/ if it helps.

So I believe I'm sending the results, just that they're vanishing into the 
ether.  If anyone can prod, poke, or present a solution I'm all ears.  I must 
confess it's largely automated so I don't pay too much attention other than 
sorting the mail, and therefore have no idea when this went wrong.  I know I 
missed a few days after breaking subversion a few weeks back but I caught that 
- if I'm doing something else wrong feel free to tickle me with a cluestick.

I use Justin's original setup stuff from moons ago, it's always just worked (or 
so I thought...) so I stuck with it.

Seems to be same problem as with me. Strange indeed. They are working on
it, but no success this far.

trying to find something in common:


where are you rsyncing to? (::module)

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