On 03/06/2013 11:55 AM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
On 3/6/2013 4:54 AM, Axb wrote:
I've copied the dependencies to jm and jhardin sandboxes.
Suggest you rename them so they're unique to your rules and/or put
them in a "commitername_dependencies.cf" file
I like getting rid of the rules that aren't working.  But this copying
rules in sandbox concerns me since sandboxes are really a gateway to
final that copying rules is inefficient.  Doesn't the dependency show up
and you can edit to leave the original rule?

It would be neater and safer practice not to depend on somebody elses sandbox rules.

What if you remove one of your rule files as because you consider them to be old, bad, useless, ugly ? are YOU responsible for your neighbour's broken metasa?

AND if the dependency is looks like it can be recycled in many, many rules we have a nice /rules/10_hasbase.cf for cases like these.

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