--- Comment #4 from Kevin A. McGrail <> ---
Two updates of note on this ticket:

1st from Justin Mason: KAM: Do you remember why they split zones and zones2? 
If they give me a modern VM, is there any reason I shouldn't unify them again?

JM: zones came first, then sa2 was on a separate host when they added more
capacity.  They could definitely be unified.

2nd, I opened a JIRA ticket about getting a CentOS box back in July at 

Because my familiarity and others who have offered to help is with RHEL/CentOS,
I requested CentOS.  Infra is in the process of setting that up and has created
a related Infra ticket: 

Then comes the fun of breaking everything on zones/zones2 to migrate it to the
new server ;-)


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