On Fri, May 07, 2021 at 07:58:18AM -0700, John Hardin wrote:
> On Sun, 2 May 2021, Loren Wilton wrote:
> > Now consider variable capture from the message:
> > 
> >  header __SUB_CAP Subject:Capture /Your (\w+) Order/i $(__COMPANY)=\1
> I like this syntax. I was thinking that the capture would be implied - any
> capturing group in a rule would automagically save its (single) match in a
> variable named after the rule (kept separate from the rule's score) for
> later use, but I like the explicit nature of this approach.
> Would :capture play well with (e.g.) :addr, :name, :raw, etc?

It might as well be a tflag or something.  Why limit capturing to headers

Or not a tflag at all.  Just a uncommon enclosure format that is parsed from
_any_ regex anywhere.

All this is petty details compared to the overall logic that is required in
the background.

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