
I am running ALS on a sparse problem (10M x 1M) and I am getting the
following error:

org.jblas.exceptions.LapackArgumentException: LAPACK DPOSV: Leading minor
of order i of A is not positive definite.
at org.jblas.SimpleBlas.posv(SimpleBlas.java:373)
at org.jblas.Solve.solvePositive(Solve.java:68)

This error from blas shows up if the hessian matrix is not positive

I checked that rating matrix is all > 0 but of course like netflix they are
not bounded within 1 and 5....

Is there some sort of specific initialization of factor matrices done which
can make the hessian matrix non positive definite ?

I am printing out the eigen vectors and fullXtX matrix to understand it
more but any help will be appreciated.


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