I would say for bigdata applications the most useful would be hierarchical
k-means with back tracking and the ability to support k nearest centroids.

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 10:54 AM, RJ Nowling <rnowl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> MLlib currently has one clustering algorithm implementation, KMeans.
> It would benefit from having implementations of other clustering
> algorithms such as MiniBatch KMeans, Fuzzy C-Means, Hierarchical
> Clustering, and Affinity Propagation.
> I recently submitted a PR [1] for a MiniBatch KMeans implementation,
> and I saw an email on this list about interest in implementing Fuzzy
> C-Means.
> Based on Sean Owen's review of my MiniBatch KMeans code, it became
> apparent that before I implement more clustering algorithms, it would
> be useful to hammer out a framework to reduce code duplication and
> implement a consistent API.
> I'd like to gauge the interest and goals of the MLlib community:
> 1. Are you interested in having more clustering algorithms available?
> 2. Is the community interested in specifying a common framework?
> Thanks!
> RJ
> [1] - https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/1248
> --
> em rnowl...@gmail.com
> c 954.496.2314

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