I've always operated under the assumption that if a commiter makes a
comment on a PR, and that's not addressed, that should block the PR
from being merged (even without a specific "-1"). I don't know of any
cases where this has intentionally been violated, but I do think this
happens accidentally some times.

Unfortunately, we are not allowed to use those github hooks because of
the way the ASF github integration works.

I've lately been using a custom-made tool to help review pull
requests. One thing I could do is add a feature here saying which
committers have said LGTM on a PR (vs the ones that have commented).
We could also indicate the latest test status as Green/Yellow/Red
based on the Jenkins comments:


As a warning to potential users, my tool might crash your browser.

- Patrick

On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Kay Ousterhout <k...@eecs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As the number of committers / contributors on Spark has increased, there
> are cases where pull requests get merged before all the review comments
> have been addressed. This happens say when one committer points out a
> problem with the pull request, and another committer doesn't see the
> earlier comment and merges the PR before the comment has been addressed.
>  This is especially tricky for pull requests with a large number of
> comments, because it can be difficult to notice early comments describing
> blocking issues.
> This also happens when something accidentally gets merged after the tests
> have started but before tests have passed.
> Do folks have ideas on how we can handle this issue? Are there other
> projects that have good ways of handling this? It looks like for Hadoop,
> people can -1 / +1 on the JIRA.
> -Kay

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