Of late, I've been coming across quite a few pull requests and associated
JIRA issues that contain nothing indicating their purpose beyond a pretty
minimal description of what the pull request does.  On the pull request
itself, a reference to the corresponding JIRA in the title combined with a
description that gives us a sketch of what the PR does is fine, but if
there is no description in at least the JIRA of *why* you think some change
to Spark would be good, then it often makes getting started on code reviews
a little harder for those of us doing the reviews.  So, I'm requesting that
if you are submitting a JIRA or pull request for something that isn't
obviously a bug or bug fix, you please include some sort of motivation in
at least the JIRA body so that the reviewers can more easily get through
the head-scratching phase of trying to figure out why Spark might be
improved by merging a pull request.

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