I'm seeing situations where starting e.g. a 4th spark job on Mesos results
in none of the jobs making progress.  This happens even with
--executor-memory set to values that should not come close to exceeding the
availability per node, and even if the 4th job is doing something
completely trivial (e.g. parallelize 1 to 10000 and sum).  Killing one of
the jobs typically allows the others to start proceeding.

While jobs are hung, I see the following in mesos master logs:

I0820 19:28:02.651296 24666 master.cpp:2282] Sending 7 offers to framework
I0820 19:28:02.654502 24668 master.cpp:1578] Processing reply for offers: [
20140820-170154-1315739402-5050-24660-96624 ] on slave
20140724-150750-1315739402-5050-25405-6 (dn-04) for framework
I0820 19:28:02.654722 24668 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:590]
Framework 20140820-170154-1315739402-5050-24660-0020 filtered slave
20140724-150750-1315739402-5050-25405-6 for 1secs

Am I correctly interpreting that to mean that spark is being offered
resources, but is rejecting them?  Is there a way (short of patching spark
to add more logging) to figure out why resources are being rejected?

This is on the default fine-grained mode.

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