i just turned up a new jenkins slave (amp-jenkins-worker-01) to ensure it
builds properly.  these machines have half the ram, same number of
processors and more disk, which will hopefully help us achieve more than
the ~15-20% system utilization we're getting on the current
amp-jenkins-slave-{01..05} nodes.

instead of 5 super beefy slaves w/16 workers each, we're planning on 8 less
beefy slaves w/12 workers each.  this should definitely cut down on the
build queue, and not impact build times in a negative way at all.

i'll keep a close eye on amp-jenkins-worker-01 before i start releasing the
other seven in to the wild.

there should be a minimal user impact, but if i happen to miss something,
please don't hesitate to let me know!



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