here's the plan...  reboots, of course, come last.  :)

pause build queue at 7am, kill off (and eventually retrigger) any
stragglers at 8am.  then begin maintenance:

all systems:
* yum update all servers (amp-jekins-master, amp-jenkins-slave-{01..05},
* reboots

jenkins slaves:
* install python2.7 (along side 2.6, which would remain the default)
* install numpy 1.9.1 (currently on 1.4, breaking some spark branch builds)
* add new slaves to the master, remove old ones (keep them around just in

there will be no jenkins system or plugin upgrades at this time.  things
there seems to be working just fine!

i'm expecting to be up and building by 9am at the latest.  i'll update this
thread w/any new time estimates.


shane, your rained-in devops guy :)

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 11:28 AM, shane knapp <> wrote:

> reminder -- this is happening friday morning @ 730am!
> On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 5:10 PM, shane knapp <> wrote:
>> i'll send out a reminder next week, but i wanted to give a heads up:
>>  i'll be bringing down the entire jenkins infrastructure for reboots and
>> system updates.
>> please let me know if there are any conflicts with this, thanks!
>> shane

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