i have no problem w/storing all of the logs.  :)

i also have no problem w/donated S3 buckets.  :)

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Nicholas Chammas <
nicholas.cham...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How about all of them <https://amplab.cs.berkeley.edu/jenkins/view/Spark/>? 
> How
> much data per day would it roughly be if we uploaded all the logs for all
> these builds?
> Also, would Databricks be willing to offer up an S3 bucket for this
> purpose?
> Nick
> On Mon Dec 15 2014 at 11:48:44 AM shane knapp <skn...@berkeley.edu> wrote:
>> right now, the following logs are archived on to the master:
>>   local log_files=$(
>>     find .\
>>       -name "unit-tests.log" -o\
>>       -path "./sql/hive/target/HiveCompatibilitySuite.failed" -o\
>>       -path "./sql/hive/target/HiveCompatibilitySuite.hiveFailed" -o\
>>       -path "./sql/hive/target/HiveCompatibilitySuite.wrong"
>>   )
>> regarding dumping stuff to S3 -- thankfully, since we're not looking at a
>> lot of disk usage, i don't see a problem w/this.  we could tar/zip up the
>> XML for each build and just dump it there.
>> what builds are we thinking about?  spark pull request builder?  what
>> others?
>> On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 1:33 AM, Nicholas Chammas <
>> nicholas.cham...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Every time we run a test cycle on our Jenkins cluster, we generate
>>> hundreds
>>> of XML reports covering all the tests we have (e.g.
>>> `streaming/target/test-reports/org.apache.spark.streaming.util.WriteAheadLogSuite.xml`).
>>> These reports contain interesting information about whether tests
>>> succeeded
>>> or failed, and how long they took to complete. There is also detailed
>>> information about the environment they ran in.
>>> It might be valuable to have a window into all these reports across all
>>> Jenkins builds and across all time, and use that to track basic
>>> statistics
>>> about our tests. That could give us basic insight into what tests are
>>> flaky
>>> or slow, and perhaps drive other improvements to our testing
>>> infrastructure
>>> that we can't see just yet.
>>> Do people think that would be valuable? Do we already have something like
>>> this?
>>> I'm thinking for starters it might be cool if we automatically uploaded
>>> all
>>> the XML test reports from the Master and the Pull Request builders to an
>>> S3
>>> bucket and just opened it up for the dev community to analyze.
>>> Nick

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