Here is a toy |spark-shell| session snippet that can show the memory consumption difference:

|import  org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import  sc._

val  sqlContext  =  new  SQLContext(sc)
import  sqlContext._


case  class  KV(key:Int, value:String)

parallelize(1  to1024).map(i =>KV(i, i.toString)).toSchemaRDD.cache().count()
parallelize(1  to1024).map(i =>KV(i, i.toString)).cache().count()

You may see the result from the storage page of the web UI. It suggests the in-memory columnar version uses 11.6KB while the raw RDD version uses 76.6KB on my machine.

Not quite sure how to do the comparison programmatically. You can track the data source of the “Size in Memory” field showed in the web UI storage tab.


On 1/30/15 6:15 PM, ankits wrote:


I want to benchmark the memory savings by using the in-memory columnar
storage for schemardds (using cacheTable) vs caching the SchemaRDD directly.
It would be really helpful to be able to query this from the spark-shell or
jobs directly. Could a dev point me to the way to do this? From what I
understand i will need a reference to the block manager, or something like

I could use reflection or whatever to override the private access modifiers.

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