Open pull request count is down to 254 right now from ~325 several weeks

This great. Ideally, we need to get this down to < 50 and keep it there.
Having so many open pull requests is just a bad signal to contributors. But
it will take some time to get there.

   - 1+ Component

 Sean, do you have permission to edit our JIRA settings? It should be
possible to enforce this in JIRA itself.

   - 1+ Affects version

 I don’t think this field makes sense for improvements, right?


On Sun Feb 22 2015 at 9:43:24 AM Sean Owen <> wrote:

> Open pull request count is down to 254 right now from ~325 several weeks
> ago.
> Open JIRA count is down slightly to 1262 from a peak over ~1320.
> Obviously, in the face of an ever faster and larger stream of
> contributions.
> There's a real positive impact of JIRA being a little more meaningful, a
> little less backlog to keep looking at, getting commits in slightly faster,
> slightly happier contributors, etc.
> The virtuous circle can keep going. It'd be great if every contributor
> could take a moment to look at his or her open PRs and JIRAs. Example
> searches (replace with your user name / name):
> 3D%20SPARK%20AND%20reporter%20%3D%20%22Sean%20Owen%22%
> 20or%20assignee%20%3D%20%22Sean%20Owen%22
> For PRs:
> - if it appears to be waiting on your action or feedback,
>   - push more changes and/or reply to comments, or
>   - if it isn't work you can pursue in the immediate future, close the PR
> - if it appears to be waiting on others,
>   - if it's had feedback and it's unclear whether there's support to commit
> as-is,
>     - break down or reduce the change to something less controversial
>     - close the PR as softly rejected
>   - if there's no feedback or plainly waiting for action, ping @them
> For JIRAs:
> - If it's fixed along the way, or obsolete, resolve as Fixed or NotAProblem
> - Do a quick search to see if a similar issue has been filed and is
> resolved or has more activity; resolve as Duplicate if so
> - Check that fields are assigned reasonably:
>   - Meaningful title and description
>   - Reasonable type and priority. Not everything is a major bug, and few
> are blockers
>   - 1+ Component
>   - 1+ Affects version
>   - Avoid setting target version until it looks like there's momentum to
> merge a resolution
> - If the JIRA has had no activity in a long time (6+ months), but does not
> feel obsolete, try to move it to some resolution:
>   - Request feedback, from specific people if desired, to feel out if there
> is any other support for the change
>   - Add more info, like a specific reproduction for bugs
>   - Narrow scope of feature requests to something that contains a few
> actionable steps, instead of broad open-ended wishes
>   - Work on a fix. In an ideal world people are willing to work to resolve
> JIRAs they open, and don't fire-and-forget
> If everyone did this, not only would it advance the house-cleaning a bit
> more, but I'm sure we'd rediscover some important work and issues that need
> attention.
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 7:54 AM, Nicholas Chammas <
>> wrote:
> > As of right now, there are no more open JIRA issues without an assigned
> > component
> > <
> 3D%20SPARK%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%
> 20component%20%3D%20EMPTY%20ORDER%20BY%20updated%20DESC>!
> > Hurray!
> >
> > [image: yay]
> >
> > Thanks to Sean and others for the cleanup!
> >
> > Nick
> >
> > ​
> >

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