Hi Pei-Lun,

We intentionally disallowed passing multiple comma separated paths in 1.3.0. One of the reason is that users report that this fail when a file path contain an actual comma in it. In your case, you may do something like this:

|val  s3nDF  =  parquetFile("s3n://...")
val  hdfsDF  =  parquetFile("hdfs://...")
val  finalDF  =  s3nDF.union(finalDF)


On 3/16/15 4:03 PM, Pei-Lun Lee wrote:


I am using Spark 1.3.0, where I cannot load parquet files from more than
one file system, say one s3n://... and another hdfs://..., which worked in
older version, or if I set spark.sql.parquet.useDataSourceApi=false in 1.3.

One way to fix this is instead of get a single FileSystem from default
configuration in ParquetRelation2, call Path.getFileSystem for each path.

Here's the JIRA link and pull request:


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