Thanks for reporting this! Would you mind to open JIRA tickets for both Spark and Parquet?

I'm not sure whether Parquet declares somewhere the user mustn't reuse byte arrays when using binary type. If it does, then it's a Spark bug. Anyway, this should be fixed.


On 4/12/15 1:50 PM, Yijie Shen wrote:

Suppose I create a dataRDD which extends RDD[Row], and each row is
GenericMutableRow(Array(Int, Array[Byte])). A same Array[Byte] object is
reused among rows but has different content each time. When I convert it to
a dataFrame and save it as Parquet File, the file's row group statistic(max
& min) of Binary column would be wrong.

Here is the reason: In Parquet, BinaryStatistic just keep max & min as references, Spark sql would generate a new Binary
backed by the same Array[Byte] passed from row.
  reference backed max: Binary---------->ByteArrayBackedBinary---------->

Therefore, each time parquet updating row group's statistic, max & min
would always refer to the same Array[Byte], which has new content each
time. When parquet decides to save it into file, the last row's content
would be saved as both max & min.

It seems it is a parquet bug because it's parquet's responsibility to
update statistics correctly.
But not quite sure. Should I report it as a bug in parquet JIRA?

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