Sean, re: why Jenkins isn¹t posting, looking at that output it looks like
the issue is with the output of the following text:

\nYour branch is ahead of'origin/master' by 200 commits.
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 200 commits.

Not sure where its coming from (can¹t find it in the master branch), but
after the first line there is an actual newline character (not escaped to
print \n) which is destroying the JSON string from being uploaded to
Github for the post. Still looking into the code to see if I can pinpoint
it, but hope that helps.

On 4/25/15, 5:00 PM, "Sean Owen" <> wrote:

>I know Jenkins hasn't been responding to requests to test today. I
>don't know if it's related, but I also noted that test results aren't
>quite posting:
>Archiving unit tests logs...
>> Send successful.
>Attempting to post to Github...
> > http_code: 400.
> > api_response: {
>  "message": "Problems parsing JSON",
>  "documentation_url": "";
> > data: {"body": "  [Test build #701 has
>for   PR 5672 at commit
>* This patch **passes all tests**.\n * This patch merges cleanly.\n *
>This patch adds no public classes.\nYour branch is ahead of
>'origin/master' by 200 commits.
>Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 200 commits.
> * This patch **adds the following new dependencies:**\n   *
>`tachyon-0.6.4.jar`\n   * `tachyon-client-0.6.4.jar`\n\n * This patch
>**removes the following dependencies:**\n   * `tachyon-0.5.0.jar`\n
>* `tachyon-client-0.5.0.jar`\n"}
>Recording test results
>Finished: SUCCESS
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