Hi Gil,

Sorry for the late reply and thanks for raising this question. The file listing logic in HadoopFsRelation is intentionally made different from Hadoop FileInputFormat. Here are the reasons:

1. Efficiency: when computing RDD partitions, FileInputFormat.listStatus() is called on the driver side in a sequential manner, and can be slow for S3 directories with lots of sub-directories, e.g. partitioned tables with thousands or even more partitions. This is partly because file metadata operation can be very slow on S3. HadoopFsRelation relies on this file listing action to do partition discovery, and we've made a distributed parallel version in Spark 1.5: we first list input paths on driver side in a sequential breadth-first manner, and once we find the number of directories to be listed exceeds a threshold (32 by default), we launch a Spark job to do file listing. With this mechanism, we've observed 2 orders of magnitude performance boost when reading partitioned table with thousands of distinct partitions located on S3.

2. Semantics difference: the default hiddenFileFilter doesn't apply in every cases. For example, Parquet summary files _metadata and _common_metadata plays crucial roles in schema discovery and schema merging, and we don't want to exclude them when listing the files. But they are removed when reading the actual data. However, we probably should allow users to pass in user defined path filters.


On 8/10/15 7:55 PM, Gil Vernik wrote:
Just some thoughts, hope i didn't missed something obvious.

HadoopFSRelation calls directly FileSystem class to list files in the path. It looks like it implements basically the same logic as in the FileInputFormat.listStatus method ( located in hadoop-map-reduce-client-core)

The point is that HadoopRDD (or similar ) calls getSplits method that calls FileInputFormat.listStatus, while HadoopFSRelation calls FileSystem directly and both of them try to achieve "listing" of objects.

There might be various issues with this, for example this one https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-7868makes sure that "_temporary" is not returned in a result, but the the listing of FileInputFormat contains more logic, it uses hidden PathFilter like this

*private**static**final*PathFilter */hiddenFileFilter/*= *new*PathFilter(){
*public**boolean*accept(Path p){
        String name= p.getName();
*return*!name.startsWith("_") && !name.startsWith(".");

In addition, custom FileOutputCommitter, may use other name than "_temporary" .

All this may lead that HadoopFSrelation and HadoopRDD will provide different lists from the same data source.

My question is: what the roadmap for this listing in HadoopFSrelation. Will it implement exactly the same logic like in FileInputFormat.listStatus, or may be one day HadoopFSrelation will call FileInputFormat.listStatus and provide custom PathFilter or MultiPathFilter? This way there will be single code that list objects.


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