On 21 Aug 2015, at 05:29, Marek Kolodziej 
<mkolod....@gmail.com<mailto:mkolod....@gmail.com>> wrote:

I doubt that Oracle would want to make life difficult for everyone. In addition 
to Spark's code base, projects such as Akka, Cassandra, Hibernate, Netty, Neo4j 
and Spring (among many others) depend on Unsafe. Still, there are tons of posts 
about this issue in the Java community (e.g. 
here<https://jaxenter.com/hazelcast-on-java-unsafe-class-119286.html>'s a 
Hazelcast interview, also from Aug. 3, the day before the latest update to JEP 
260). There are tons of concerned posts on the blogosphere, too (e.g. 

Have the leaders of the Spark community been following these Unsafe-related 
developments and if so, what's Spark's plan of handling whatever Oracle throws 
our way?

I don't know about Spark, but I know that Hadoop uses a lot of it, 
introspecting into sun.security for access to kerberos operations, switching to 
the ibm. equivalent. Without that kerberos simply doesn't work.

As of now, the project's stance is "if Oracle want hadoop to run on Oracle Java 
9, they'd better have a plan"

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