Currently trying to compile 1.5-RC2 (from
 and running into issues with the new Maven requirement. I have 3.0.4 installed 
at the system level, 1.5 requires 3.3.3. As Patrick has pointed out in other 
places, this should be a non-issue since Spark can download and use its own 
version of Maven, and you can guarantee this happens by using the —force flag 
when calling build/mvn. However, this doesn’t appear to be working as intended 
(or I just have really bad luck).

When I run build/mvn --force -DskipTests -Psparkr package, the first thing I 
see is this:

Using `mvn` from path: /home/cloudera/spark/build/apache-maven-3.3.3/bin/mvn

Looks good. However, after initializing the build order and starting on Spark 
Project Parent POM, I still see this:

[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4:enforce (enforce-versions) @ 
spark-parent_2.10 ---
[WARNING] Rule 0: org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.RequireMavenVersion failed 
with message:
Detected Maven Version: 3.0.4 is not in the allowed range 3.3.3.

And then the build fails. Has anyone else experienced this/anyone have any idea 
what I’m missing here? Running on CentOS with Java 7, for what it’s worth.

Chris Freeman
Senior Content Engineer - Alteryx
(657) 900 5462

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