Hello Nick,

I have been working on a (UDT-less) implementation of HLL++. You can find
the PR here: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/8362. This current
implements the dense version of HLL++, which is a further development of
HLL. It returns a Long, but it shouldn't be to hard to return a Row
containing the cardinality and/or the HLL registers (the binary data).

I am curious what the stance is on using UDTs in the new UDAF interface. Is
this still viable? This wouldn't work with UnsafeRow for instance. The
OpenHashSetUDT for instance would be a nice building block for CollectSet
and all Distinct Aggregate operators. Are there any opinions on this?

Kind regards,

Herman van Hövell tot Westerflier

QuestTec B.V.
Torenwacht 98
2353 DC Leiderdorp
+599 9 521 4402

2015-09-12 10:07 GMT+02:00 Nick Pentreath <nick.pentre...@gmail.com>:

> Inspired by this post:
> http://eugenezhulenev.com/blog/2015/07/15/interactive-audience-analytics-with-spark-and-hyperloglog/,
> I've started putting together something based on the Spark 1.5 UDAF
> interface: https://gist.github.com/MLnick/eca566604f2e4e3c6141
> Some questions -
> 1. How do I get the UDAF to accept input arguments of different type? We
> can hash anything basically for HLL - Int, Long, String, Object, raw bytes
> etc. Right now it seems we'd need to build a new UDAF for each input type,
> which seems strange - I should be able to use one UDAF that can handle raw
> input of different types, as well as handle existing HLLs that can be
> merged/aggregated (e.g. for grouped data)
> 2. @Reynold, how would I ensure this works for Tungsten (ie against raw
> bytes in memory)? Or does the new Aggregate2 stuff automatically do that?
> Where should I look for examples on how this works internally?
> 3. I've based this on the Sum and Avg examples for the new UDAF interface
> - any suggestions or issue please advise. Is the intermediate buffer
> efficient?
> 4. The current HyperLogLogUDT is private - so I've had to make my own one
> which is a bit pointless as it's copy-pasted. Any thoughts on exposing that
> type? Or I need to make the package spark.sql ...
> Nick
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 8:06 AM, Reynold Xin <r...@databricks.com> wrote:
>> Yes - it's very interesting. However, ideally we should have a version of
>> hyperloglog that can work directly against some raw bytes in memory (rather
>> than java objects), in order for this to fit the Tungsten execution model
>> where everything is operating directly against some memory address.
>> On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 11:00 PM, Nick Pentreath <nick.pentre...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Sure I can copy the code but my aim was more to understand:
>>> (A) if this is broadly interesting enough to folks to think about
>>> updating / extending the existing UDAF within Spark
>>> (b) how to register ones own custom UDAF - in which case it could be a
>>> Spark package for example
>>> All examples deal with registering a UDF but nothing about UDAFs
>>> —
>>> Sent from Mailbox <https://www.dropbox.com/mailbox>
>>> On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 6:32 PM, Daniel Darabos <
>>> daniel.dara...@lynxanalytics.com> wrote:
>>>> It's already possible to just copy the code from countApproxDistinct
>>>> <https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/v1.4.0/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/rdd/RDD.scala#L1153>
>>>>  and
>>>> access the HLL directly, or do anything you like.
>>>> On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 5:26 PM, Nick Pentreath <
>>>> nick.pentre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>>> —
>>>>> Sent from Mailbox <https://www.dropbox.com/mailbox>
>>>>> On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Nick Pentreath <
>>>>> nick.pentre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey Spark devs
>>>>>> I've been looking at DF UDFs and UDAFs. The approx distinct is using
>>>>>> hyperloglog,
>>>>>> but there is only an option to return the count as a Long.
>>>>>> It can be useful to be able to return and store the actual data
>>>>>> structure (ie serialized HLL). This effectively allows one to do
>>>>>> aggregation / rollups over columns while still preserving the ability to
>>>>>> get distinct counts.
>>>>>> For example, one can store daily aggregates of events, grouped by
>>>>>> various columns, while storing for each grouping the HLL of say unique
>>>>>> users. So you can get the uniques per day directly but could also very
>>>>>> easily do arbitrary aggregates (say monthly, annually) and still be able 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> get a unique count for that period by merging the daily HLLS.
>>>>>> I did this a while back as a Hive UDAF (
>>>>>> https://github.com/MLnick/hive-udf) which returns a Struct field
>>>>>> containing a "cardinality" field and a "binary" field containing the
>>>>>> serialized HLL.
>>>>>> I was wondering if there would be interest in something like this? I
>>>>>> am not so clear on how UDTs work with regards to SerDe - so could one 
>>>>>> adapt
>>>>>> the HyperLogLogUDT to be a Struct with the serialized HLL as a field as
>>>>>> well as count as a field? Then I assume this would automatically play
>>>>>> nicely with DataFrame I/O etc. The gotcha is one needs to then call
>>>>>> "approx_count_field.count" (or is there a concept of a "default field" 
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> a Struct?).
>>>>>> Also, being able to provide the bitsize parameter may be useful...
>>>>>> The same thinking would apply potentially to other approximate (and
>>>>>> mergeable) data structures like T-Digest and maybe CMS.
>>>>>> Nick

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