I'll put together a google doc and send that out (in the meantime a quick
guide of sort of how the current package can be used is in the blog post I
did at
)  If people think its better to keep as a package I am of course happy to
keep doing that. It feels a little strange to have something as core as
being able to test your code live outside.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 3:44 PM, Patrick Wendell <pwend...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Holden,
> It would be helpful if you could outline the set of features you'd imagine
> being part of Spark in a short doc. I didn't see a README on the existing
> repo, so it's hard to know exactly what is being proposed.
> As a general point of process, we've typically avoided merging modules
> into Spark that can exist outside of the project. A testing utility package
> that is based on Spark's public API's seems like a really useful thing for
> the community, but it does seem like a good fit for a package library. At
> least, this is my first question after taking a look at the project.
> In any case, getting some high level view of the functionality you imagine
> would be helpful to give more detailed feedback.
> - Patrick
> On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 3:12 PM, Holden Karau <hol...@pigscanfly.ca> wrote:
>> Hi Spark Devs,
>> So this has been brought up a few times before, and generally on the user
>> list people get directed to use spark-testing-base. I'd like to start
>> moving some of spark-testing-base's functionality into Spark so that people
>> don't need a library to do what is (hopefully :p) a very common requirement
>> across all Spark projects.
>> To that end I was wondering what peoples thoughts are on where this
>> should live inside of Spark. I was thinking it could either be a separate
>> testing project (like sql or similar), or just put the bits to enable
>> testing inside of each relevant project.
>> I was also thinking it probably makes sense to only move the unit testing
>> parts at the start and leave things like integration testing in a testing
>> project since that could vary depending on the users environment.
>> What are peoples thoughts?
>> Cheers,
>> Holden :)

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