    We are not trying to compiling against different version of hive. The 
1.2.1.spark hive-exec is specified on spark 1.5.2 Pom file. We are moving from 
spark 1.3.1 to 1.5.1. Simply trying to supply the needed dependency. The rest 
of application (besides spark) simply uses hive 0.13.1.

    Yes we are using yarn client directly, there are many functions we need and 
modified are not provided in yarn client. The spark launcher in the current 
form does not satisfy our requirements (at least last time I see it) there is a 
discussion thread about several month ago.

     From spark 1.x  to 1.3.1, we fork the yarn client to achieve these goals ( 
yarn listener call backs, killApplications, yarn capacities call back etc). In 
current integration for 1.5.1, to avoid forking the spark, we simply subclass 
the yarn client overwrites a few methods. But we lost resource capacity call 
back and estimation by doing this.

    This is bit off the original topic. 

     I still think there is a bug related to the spark yarn client in case of 
Kerberos + spark hive-exec dependency. 



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> On Oct 22, 2015, at 12:05 AM, Doug Balog <> wrote:
>> On Oct 21, 2015, at 8:45 PM, Chester Chen <> wrote:
>> Doug
>>  thanks for responding. 
>>>> I think Spark just needs to be compiled against 1.2.1
>>   Can you elaborate on this, or specific command you are referring ? 
>>   In our build.scala, I was including the following
>> "org.spark-project.hive" % "hive-exec" % "1.2.1.spark" intransitive()
>>   I am not sure how the Spark compilation is directly related to this, 
>> please explain.   
> I was referring to this comment
> And the updated documentation,
> Perhaps I misunderstood your question and why you are trying to compile 
> against a different version of Hive.
>>   When we submit the spark job, the we call Spark Yarn Client.scala directly 
>> ( not using spark-submit). 
>>   The client side is not depending on spark-assembly jar ( which is in the 
>> hadoop cluster).  The job submission actually failed in the client side. 
>>   Currently we get around this by replace the spark's hive-exec with apache 
>> hive-exec. 
> Why are you using the Spark Yarn Client.scala directly and not using the 
> SparkLauncher that was introduced in 1.4.0 ?
> Doug
>> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 5:27 PM, Doug Balog <> wrote:
>> See comments below.
>>> On Oct 21, 2015, at 5:33 PM, Chester Chen <> wrote:
>>> All,
>>>    just to see if this happens to other as well.
>>>  This is tested against the
>>>   spark 1.5.1 ( branch 1.5  with label 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT with commit on Tue 
>>> Oct 6, 84f510c4fa06e43bd35e2dc8e1008d0590cbe266)
>>>   Spark deployment mode : Spark-Cluster
>>>   Notice that if we enable Kerberos mode, the spark yarn client fails with 
>>> the following:
>>> Could not initialize class org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive
>>> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class 
>>> org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive
>>>        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>        at 
>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>>>        at 
>>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>>>        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>        at 
>>> org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.Client$.org$apache$spark$deploy$yarn$Client$$obtainTokenForHiveMetastore(Client.scala:1252)
>>>        at 
>>> org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.Client.prepareLocalResources(Client.scala:271)
>>>        at 
>>> org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.Client.createContainerLaunchContext(Client.scala:629)
>>>        at 
>>> org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.Client.submitApplication(Client.scala:119)
>>>        at
>>> Diving in Yarn Client.scala code and tested against different dependencies 
>>> and notice the followings:  if  the kerberos mode is enabled, 
>>> Client.obtainTokenForHiveMetastore() will try to use scala reflection to 
>>> get Hive and HiveConf and method on these method.
>>>      val hiveClass = 
>>> mirror.classLoader.loadClass("org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive")
>>>      val hive = hiveClass.getMethod("get").invoke(null)
>>>      val hiveConf = hiveClass.getMethod("getConf").invoke(hive)
>>>      val hiveConfClass = 
>>> mirror.classLoader.loadClass("org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf")
>>>      val hiveConfGet = (param: String) => Option(hiveConfClass
>>>        .getMethod("get", classOf[java.lang.String])
>>>        .invoke(hiveConf, param))
>>>   If the "org.spark-project.hive" % "hive-exec" % "1.2.1.spark" is used, 
>>> then you will get above exception. But if we use the
>>>       "org.apache.hive" % "hive-exec" "0.13.1-cdh5.2.0"
>>> The above method will not throw exception.
>>>  Here some questions and comments
>>> 0) is this a bug ?
>> I’m not an expert on this, but I think this might not be a bug.
>> The Hive integration was redone for 1.5.0, see 
>> and I think Spark just needs to be compiled against 1.2.1
>>> 1) Why spark-hive hive-exec behave differently ? I understand spark-hive 
>>> hive-exec has less dependencies
>>>   but I would expect it functionally the same
>> I don’t know.
>>> 2) Where I can find the source code for spark-hive hive-exec ?
>> I don’t know.
>>> 3) regarding the method obtainTokenForHiveMetastore(),
>>>   I would assume that the method will first check if the hive-metastore uri 
>>> is present before
>>>   trying to get the hive metastore tokens, it seems to invoke the 
>>> reflection regardless the hive service in the cluster is enabled or not.
>> Checking to see if the hive-megastore.uri is present before trying to get a 
>> delegation token would be an improvement.
>> Also checking to see if we are running in cluster mode would be good, too.
>> I will file a JIRA and make these improvements.
>>> 4) Noticed the obtainTokenForHBase() in the same Class ( catches
>>>   case e: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError => logDebug("HBase Class not 
>>> found: " + e)
>>>   and just ignore the exception ( log debug),
>>>   but obtainTokenForHiveMetastore() does not catch NoClassDefFoundError 
>>> exception, I guess this is the problem.
>>> private def obtainTokenForHiveMetastore(conf: Configuration, credentials: 
>>> Credentials) {
>>>    // rest of code
>>> } catch {
>>>    case e: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException => { logInfo("Hive Method not 
>>> found " + e); return }
>>>    case e: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException => { logInfo("Hive Class not 
>>> found " + e); return }
>>>    case e: Exception => { logError("Unexpected Exception " + e)
>>>      throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception", e)
>>>    }
>>>  }
>>> }
>> I tested the code against different scenarios, it possible that I missed the 
>> case where the class was not found.
>> obtainTokenForHBase() was implemented after obtainTokenForHive().
>> Cheers,
>> Doug

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