On 24 Dec 2015, at 05:59, Nicholas Chammas 
<nicholas.cham...@gmail.com<mailto:nicholas.cham...@gmail.com>> wrote:

FYI: I opened an INFRA ticket with questions about how best to use the Apache 
mirror network.



not that likely to get an answer as it's really a support call, not a bug/task. 
You never know though.

There's another way to get at binaries, which is check them out direct from SVN


This is a direct view into how you release things in the ASF (you just create a 
new dir under your project, copy the files and then do an svn commit; I believe 
the replicated servers may just do svn update on their local cache.

there's no mirroring, if you install to lots of machines your download time 
will be slow. You could automate it though, do something like D/L, upload to 
your own bucket, do an s3 GET.

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