1.ya100 is not only the invert index  ,but also include the TOP N sort lazy 
read,also include label .
2.our test on ya100 and parquet is on this link address 

3.you are right ,the load into ya100 is longer then parquet ,but the query time 
is very fast.
4. the code is already available ??but i`m sorry ya100 and ydb is a          
Commercial product now by our company (called ycloud),but i think if apache 
like it ,the source code is not a problem.

our invert index indeed is apache lucene-but a quite different useage, such as 
solr or es.
we can make a test on ya100(we support java jar),it is really very faster than  
parquet          especially                     on sort ??group by ??filter and 
so on.

provide more information? what any thing other infomation do you want ,i can 
provide it  tomorrow.

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "Gavin Yue";<yue.yuany...@gmail.com>;
????????: 2016??2??22??(??????) ????9:33
??????: "????????"<muyann...@qq.com>; 
????: "Akhil Das"<ak...@sigmoidanalytics.com>; "user"<u...@spark.apache.org>; 
????: Re: ?????? a new FileFormat 5x~100x faster than parquet

I recommend you provide more information. Using inverted index certainly speed 
up the query time if hitting the index, but it would take longer to create and 

Is the source code not available at this moment? 


On Feb 22, 2016, at 20:27, ???????? <muyann...@qq.com> wrote:

if apache enjoy this project , of course we provider the source code .

BUt if apache dislike the porject , we had continue to improve the project by 
myself .

ya100 and ydb  max process data is 180billions rows data per day for neary 
realtime import .

because of index ,we make the search 10 secondes return in 1800billion (10days) 
rows data.

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "Akhil Das";<ak...@sigmoidanalytics.com>;
????????: 2016??2??22??(??????) ????8:42
??????: "????????"<muyann...@qq.com>; 
????: "user"<u...@spark.apache.org>; "dev"<dev@spark.apache.org>; 
????: Re: a new FileFormat 5x~100x faster than parquet

Would be good to see the source code and the documentation in English.

ThanksBest Regards

On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 4:44 PM, ???????? <muyann...@qq.com> wrote:
Ya100 is a FileFormat 5x~100x  faster than parquet??
we can get ya100 from this link 


1.we used the inverted index??so we skip the rows that we does need.

  for example  the trade log search SQL


        from spark_txt where   
??2??tradeid=' 2014012213870282671'
        limit 10;  

     this sql is compose by two part

     (1)the part 1 is return the result which has 9 columns

     (2) the part 2 is the filter condition ,filter by tradeid


      let guess which plan is faster

     plan A :first read all the 9 columns result then filter by tradeid

     plan B: first filter by tradeid ,then we read the match 9 columns result.

    Ya100 choose plan B

     contrast  performance Ya100`index with parquet


 2.TOP N sort ,the non sort column we doesn`t read it until the last 

  for example  we sort by the logtime


    from spark_txt 
??2??order by logtime desc 
    limit 10;  

  this sql is compose by two part
     (1)the part 1 is return the result which has 9 columns

     (2) the part 2 is the column need to sort


      let guess which plan is faster
     plan A :first read all the 9 columns result then sort by logtime
     plan B: first sort by logtime  ,then we read the match 9 columns result.

       Ya100 choose plan B

     contrast  performance Ya100`lazy read with parquet

3.we used label instead of the original value for grouping and sorting


1).General situation,the data has a lot of repeat value,for exampe the sex file 
,the age field .
2).if we store the original value ,that will weast a lot of storage.
so we make a small modify at original  value, Additional add a new filed called 
make a unique value sort by fields, and then gave each term a unique  Number 
from begin to end  .
3).we use number value(we called label) instead of original  value.lable is 
store by fixed length. the file could be read by random read.
4).the label`s order is the same with dictionary  order .so if we do some 
calculation like order by or group by only need to  read the label. we don`t 
need to read the original value.
5).some field like sex field ,only have 2 different values.so we only use 2 
bits(not 2 bytes) to store the label, it will save a lot of Disk io.
 when we finish all of the calculation, we translate label to original  value 
by a dictionary.
6)if a lots of rows have the same original value ,the original value we only 
store once,only read once.
Solve the problem:
1)ya100`s data is quite big we don`t have enough memory to load all Values to 
2)on realtime mode ,data is change Frequent , The cache is invalidated Frequent 
by append or update. build Cache will take a lot of times and io;
3)the Original value  is a string type.  whene sorting or grouping ,thed string 
value need a lot of memory and need lot of cpu time to calculate hashcode 
\compare \equals ,But label is number  is fast.
4)the label is number ,it`s type maybe short ,or maybe a byte ,or may be 
integer whitch depending on the max number of the label.

two-phase search
1)group by order by use original value,the real value may be is a string 
type,may be more larger ,the real value maybe  need a lot of io 
2)compare by string is slowly then compare by integer
Our improve:
1)we split one search into multy-phase search
2)the first search we only search the field that use for order by ,group by
3)the first search we doesn`t need to read the original value(the real 
value),we only need to read the docid and label for order by group by.
4)when we finish all the order by and group by ,may be we only need to return 
Top n records .so we start next to search to get the Top n records original 
Solve the problem:
5)reduce io ,read original take a lot of disk io
6)reduce network io (for merger)
7)most of the field has repeated value, the repeated only need to read once
the group by filed only need to read the origin once by label where display to 
8)most of the search only need to display on Top n (n<=100) results, so most of 
the original value could be skip.




How to install ya100 
1)Add the depend jar 
export SPARK_CLASSPATH=$SPARK_CLASSPATH:/data/ycloud/spark_ydb/ya100.jar
You can get the ya100 jar from this link


2)Start thriftserver 
./start-thriftserver.sh     --master yarn-client  --executor-memory 990m 
--executor-cores 2 --num-executors 16
Our suggest spark version is 6 
3)Config the ya100 function 
create  function Yfilter as 'cn.net.ycloud.ydb.handle.fun.Yfilter';   
create  function Ytop10000 as 'cn.net.ycloud.ydb.handle.fun.Ytop10000';  
create  function Ycombine as 'cn.net.ycloud.ydb.handle.fun.Ycombine'; 
create  function Ycount as 'cn.net.ycloud.ydb.handle.fun.Ycount';  
create  function Ymax as 'cn.net.ycloud.ydb.handle.fun.Ymax'; 
create  function Ymin as 'cn.net.ycloud.ydb.handle.fun.Ymin';   
create  function Yavg as 'cn.net.ycloud.ydb.handle.fun.Yavg';    
create  function Ysum as 'cn.net.ycloud.ydb.handle.fun.Ysum'; 
create  function Ymaxstring as 'cn.net.ycloud.ydb.handle.fun.Ymaxstring'; 
create  function Yminstring as 'cn.net.ycloud.ydb.handle.fun.Yminstring??; 
YA100 support data type 

How to create ya100 table on spark Sql 
CREATE external  table spark_ya100(  
 phonenum bigint, usernick string, ydb_sex string,  ydb_province string, 
ydb_grade string, ydb_age string, ydb_blood string, ydb_zhiye string, ydb_earn 
string, ydb_prefer string, ydb_consume string, ydb_day string, amtdouble 
double,amtlong int, content string, ydbpartion string, ya100_pipe string 
) partitioned by (dt string) 
STORED BY 'cn.net.ycloud.ydb.handle.Ya100StorageHandler' 
LOCATION  '/data/ydb/shu_ya100' 
"ya100.handler.schema"="phonenum long,usernick string,ydb_sex 
string,ydb_province string,ydb_grade string,ydb_age string,ydb_blood 
string,ydb_zhiye string,ydb_earn string,ydb_prefer string,ydb_consume 
string,ydb_day string, amtdouble double,amtlong int,content textcjk,ydbpartion 
string,ya100_pipe string" 
ya100.handler.schema ????????????????????????????????spark???????????????? 

How to Import data into ya100 table


1)Set up import params 
set hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories=true; 
set mapred.min.split.size=2147483648;
set mapred.min.split.size=2147483648 
2)Begin import  
insert into table spark_ya100 partition (dt='1200million')
from spark_txt where dt='1200million'; 
How to use ya100 to filter data 
1),basic example 1 
set ya100.spark.filter.ydb_example_shu=ydb_sex='??' or ydb_province='????' or 
2)Filter example 2 
set ya100.spark.filter.ydb_example_shu=ydb_sex='??' or ydb_province='????' or 
select * from spark_ya100 where dt=??1200million?? limit 10; 
Other filter example use case  
2)Support in 
????indexnum in (1,2,3) 
clickcount >=10 and clickcount <=11 
4) range 
indexnum like '({0 TO 11}) '      ????????????
indexnum like '([10 TO 11] ) '    ??????????
5) Unequal 
label<>'l_14' and label<>'l_15'  
indexnum='1' or indexnum='2' or (clickcount >=5 and clickcount <=11) 


How to use ya100 to make a top N sort 
set ya100.spark.top10000.ydb_example_shu=ydb_age desc limit 10; 
set ya100.spark.top10000.ydb_example_shu=ydb_sex desc,ydb_province limit 100?? 
set ya100.spark.top10000.ydb_example_shu=* limit 10; 
??????????????limit??????????10000 ??????????????????1000?? 
???????? ??*???? ??????????????????????N?????????? 
SQL example  
set ya100.spark.top10000.ydb_example_shu=phonenum desc limit 10; 
select * from spark_ya100 where dt='1200million' order by phonenum desc limit 

How to make group by or stat by ya100 
Example 1 
set ya100.spark.combine.ydb_example_shu=*,ydb_age; 
select ydb_province,Ycount('*',ya100_pipe), Ycount('ydb_age',ya100_pipe), 
Ymaxstring('ydb_age',ya100_pipe), Yminstring('ydb_age',ya100_pipe) 
 from spark_ya100  group by ydb_province limit 10 
Example 2 
set ya100.spark.combine.ydb_example_shu=amtlong; 
select ydb_sex, ydb_province,Ysum('amtlong',ya100_pipe) as cnt from spark_ya100 
 group by ydb_sex, ydb_province  limit 10 


set ya100.spark.filter.ydb_example_shu=phonenum='13870282671'  and 
set ya100.spark.combine.ydb_example_shu=*; 
set ya100.spark.top10000.ydb_example_shu=; 
select Ycount('*',ya100_pipe) from spark_ya100 where dt='100million' limit 10; 
 ?6?1set ya100.spark.filter.ydb_example_shu= amtlong like '([1090 TO 1100] )' 
and amtdouble like '([1090 TO 1100] )'; 
set ya100.spark.combine.ydb_example_shu=; 
set ya100.spark.top10000.ydb_example_shu=phonenum desc limit 10; 
select * from spark_ya100 where dt='100million' order by phonenum desc limit 10;
set ya100.spark.filter.ydb_example_shu= amtlong like '([1090 TO 1100] )' and 
amtdouble like '([1090 TO 1100] )'; 
set ya100.spark.combine.ydb_example_shu=amtlong; 
set ya100.spark.top10000.ydb_example_shu=; 
select Ycount(??amtlong??,ya100_pipe) ,Ysum(??amtlong??,ya100_pipe) 
,Yavg(??amtlong??,ya100_pipe), Ymax(??amtlong??,ya100_pipe), 
Ymin(??amtlong??,ya100_pipe)  from spark_ya100 where dt=??100million??  limit 
 ?6?1Top n sort 
set ya100.spark.filter.ydb_example_shu= amtlong like '([1090 TO 1100] )' and 
amtdouble like '([1090 TO 1100] )'; 
set ya100.spark.combine.ydb_example_shu=; 
set ya100.spark.top10000.ydb_example_shu= ydb_age desc, ydb_sex; 
select ydb_sex, ydb_age from spark_ya100 where dt='100million'  order  by  
ydb_age desc, ydb_sex  limit 10;  
 ?6?1Group by 
set ya100.spark.filter.ydb_example_shu=; 
set ya100.spark.top10000.ydb_example_shu=; 
select ydb_sex,ydb_province,ydb_grade, 
 as cnt from spark_ya100 where dt=??100million??  group by 
ydb_sex,ydb_province,ydb_grade order by cnt desc limit 10 

Connect Ya100 to ydb  make real time data 
CREATE external  table spark_ydb(
 phonenum bigint, usernick string, ydb_sex string,  ydb_province string, 
ydb_grade string, ydb_age string, ydb_blood string, ydb_zhiye string, ydb_earn 
string, ydb_prefer string, ydb_consume string, ydb_day string, amtdouble 
double,amtlong int, content string, ydbpartion string, ya100_pipe string
STORED BY 'cn.net.ycloud.ydb.handle.Ya100StorageHandler'
LOCATION  '/data/ydb/shu_ydb'


ya100_pipe ??ya100??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
ya100.handler.columns.mapping ??ydb????????????spark???????????????? 



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