On 18 Apr 2016, at 20:16, Reynold Xin 
<r...@databricks.com<mailto:r...@databricks.com>> wrote:

Josh's pull request<https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/12433> on rpc 
exception handling got me to think ...

In my experience, there have been a few things related exceptions that created 
a lot of trouble for us in production debugging:

1. Some exception is thrown, but is caught by some try/catch that does not do 
any logging nor rethrow.
2. Some exception is thrown, but is caught by some try/catch that does not do 
any logging, but do rethrow. But the original exception is now masked.
2. Multiple exceptions are logged at different places close to each other, but 
we don't know whether they are caused by the same problem or not.

To mitigate some of the above, here's an idea ...

(1) Create a common root class for all the exceptions (e.g. call it 
SparkException) used in Spark. We should make sure every time we catch an 
exception from a 3rd party library, we rethrow them as SparkException (a lot of 
places already do that). In SparkException's constructor, log the exception and 
the stacktrace.

(2) SparkException has a monotonically increasing ID, and this ID appears in 
the exception error message (say at the end).

I think (1) will eliminate most of the cases that an exception gets swallowed. 
The main downside I can think of is we might log an exception multiple times. 
However, I'd argue exceptions should be rare, and it is not that big of a deal 
to log them twice or three times. The unique ID (2) can help us correlate 
exceptions if they appear multiple times.


1. unique IDs is a nice touch
2. there are some exceptions where code really needs to match on them, usually 
in the network layer, also interruptedException. Its dangerous to swallow them.
3. I've done work on other projects (Slider, with YARN-679 to get them  into 
Hadoop) where exceptions can also declare an exit code. This means system exits 
can have different exit codes for different problems —and the exception raising 
code gets to choose it. For extra fun, the set of exit codes attempt to lift 
numbers from HTTP errors, so "41" is Unauthed, from HTTP 401: 
4. Once you have different exit codes, then you can start writing tests for the 
scripts designed to trigger failures —asserting about the exit code as way to 
assess the outcome

Something else to consider is "what can be added atop the classic runtime 
exceptions to make them useful. Hadoop's NetUtils.wrapException() does this: 
catches things coming up from the network stack and rethrows an exception of 
the same type (where possible), but now with source/dest hostnames and ports. 
That is incredibly useful. The exceptions also tack in wiki references to what 
the exceptions mean in a desparate attempt to reduce the #of JIRAs complaining 
about services refusing connections. Its hard to tell how often that works 
—some people do now just paste in the stack trace without reading the wiki 
link. At least now there's somewhere to point them at when the issue is closed 
as invalid. [ see: 

I'm now considering what could be done at the Kerberos layer too, though there 
the problem is that the JVM Exception is invariably a meaningless "Failure 
Unspecified at GSS API Level" + text which varies across JVM vendor and 
versions. Maybe the wiki URL should just point to page saying "nobody 
understands kerberos —sorry"

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