You can look into its source code:

On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 11:01 PM, Amit Rana <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Did anyone get a chance to look into it??
> Any sort of guidance will be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Amit Rana
> On 7 Jul 2016 14:28, "Amit Rana" <> wrote:
>> As mentioned in the documentation:
>> PythonRDD objects launch Python subprocesses and communicate with them
>> using pipes, sending the user's code and the data to be processed.
>> I am trying to understand  the implementation of how this data transfer
>> is happening  using pipes.
>> Can anyone please guide me along that line??
>> Thanks,
>> Amit Rana
>> On 7 Jul 2016 13:44, "Sun Rui" <> wrote:
>>> You can read
>>> For pySpark data flow on worker nodes, you can read the source code of
>>> PythonRDD.scala. Python worker processes communicate with Spark executors
>>> via sockets instead of pipes.
>>> On Jul 7, 2016, at 15:49, Amit Rana <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am trying  to trace the data flow in pyspark. I am using intellij IDEA
>>> in windows 7.
>>> I had submitted  a python  job as follows:
>>> --master local[4] <path to pyspark  job> <arguments to the job>
>>> I have made the following  insights after running the above command in
>>> debug mode:
>>> ->Locally when a pyspark's interpreter starts, it also starts a JVM with
>>> which it communicates through socket.
>>> ->py4j is used to handle this communication
>>> ->Now this JVM acts as actual spark driver, and loads a JavaSparkContext
>>> which communicates with the spark executors in cluster.
>>> In cluster I have read that the data flow between spark executors and
>>> python interpreter happens using pipes. But I am not able to trace that
>>> data flow.
>>> Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. It would be very helpful
>>> if, someone can help me understand tge code-flow for data transfer between
>>> JVM and python workers.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Amit Rana

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