Although 'minor' is the standard term, the important thing is making
the nature of the release understood. 'feature release' seems OK to me
as an additional description.

Is it worth agreeing on or stating a little more about the theory?

patch release: backwards/forwards compatible within a minor release,
generally fixes only
minor/feature release: backwards compatible within a major release,
not forward; generally also includes new features
major release: not backwards compatible and may remove or change
existing features

On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Reynold Xin <> wrote:
> tl;dr
> I would like to propose renaming “minor release” to “feature release” in
> Apache Spark.
> details
> Apache Spark’s official versioning policy follows roughly semantic
> versioning. Each Spark release is versioned as
> [major].[minor].[maintenance]. That is to say, 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 are both
> “major releases”, whereas “1.1.0” and “1.3.0” would be minor releases.
> I have gotten a lot of feedback from users that the word “minor” is
> confusing and does not accurately describes those releases. When users hear
> the word “minor”, they think it is a small update that introduces couple
> minor features and some bug fixes. But if you look at the history of Spark
> 1.x, here are just a subset of large features added:
> Spark 1.1: sort-based shuffle, JDBC/ODBC server, new stats library, 2-5X
> perf improvement for machine learning.
> Spark 1.2: HA for streaming, new network module, Python API for streaming,
> ML pipelines, data source API.
> Spark 1.3: DataFrame API, Spark SQL graduate out of alpha, tons of new
> algorithms in machine learning.
> Spark 1.4: SparkR, Python 3 support, DAG viz, robust joins in SQL, math
> functions, window functions, SQL analytic functions, Python API for
> pipelines.
> Spark 1.5: code generation, Project Tungsten
> Spark 1.6: automatic memory management, Dataset API, ML pipeline persistence
> So while “minor” is an accurate depiction of the releases from an API
> compatibiility point of view, we are miscommunicating and doing Spark a
> disservice by calling these releases “minor”. I would actually call these
> releases “major”, but then it would be a larger deviation from semantic
> versioning. I think calling these “feature releases” would be a smaller
> change and a more accurate depiction of what they are.
> That said, I’m not attached to the name “feature” and am open to
> suggestions, as long as they don’t convey the notion of “minor”.

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