Maybe it sounds like you are looking for from_json/to_json functions after
en/decoding properly.

On 16 Nov 2016 6:45 p.m., "kant kodali" <> wrote:

> html#json-datasets
> "Spark SQL can automatically infer the schema of a JSON dataset and load
> it as a DataFrame. This conversion can be done using
> on either an RDD of String, or a JSON file."
> val df = spark.sql("SELECT json_encoded_blob_column from table_name"); //
> A cassandra query (cassandra stores blobs in hexadecimal )   
> json_encoded_blob_column
> is encoded in hexadecimal. It will be great to have these blobs interpreted
> and be loaded as a data frame but for now is there anyway to load or parse
> json_encoded_blob_column into a data frame?

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