On 27 Oct 2017, at 03:21, Zhang, Liyun 
<liyun.zh...@intel.com<mailto:liyun.zh...@intel.com>> wrote:

Hi all:
1.       I want to build spark on jdk9 and test it with Hadoop on jdk9 env. I 
search for jiras related to JDK9. I only found 
SPARK-13278<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-13278>.  This means now 
spark can build or run successfully on JDK9 ?

Best Regards
Kelly Zhang/Zhang,Liyun

Don't know about spark itself, but I do know that getting Hadoop on JDK9 is 
still a WiP, primarily because they've locked it down so much (good) including 
the things hadoop gets at to make things like kerberos auth work (bad)


A large part of the issues are with moving its dependencies to Java 9 
compatible ones (Log4J, mockito, JUnit) —all of those which only surface in 
testing and in the build itself won't be relevant for Spark standalone. Other 
than that, YARN doesn't work

Most of the work has been done by one person (Akira @ NEC); if there are other 
people willing to help, including building & testing Spark against (locally 
built) JDK9 Hadoop artifacts life would be better. We could maybe build & 
release some alpha-quality Hadoop 3.1.x-alpha-JDK9 artifacts if that would help

FWIW, there's long been some background chatter between the old Sun JDK team & 
the ASF big data stack devs; modules is something wonderful which will kill the 
need for shading and reduce/eliminate classpath hell. Earlier on there was some 
discussion about having proper 2d arrays & direct memory access of some 
structures, but that's not in this version. Give it time.

Oracle are being aggressive about retiring Java 8: by Sept 2018 they plan to 
not provide public updates for it. Which means building against Java 9 dev time 
is here for everyone

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