Thanks Joseph.  We can wait for post 2.3.0.

2017-12-07 15:36 GMT-08:00 Joseph Bradley <>:

> Hi Stephen,
> I used to post those roadmap JIRAs to share instructions for contributing
> to MLlib and to try to coordinate amongst committers.  My feeling was that
> the coordination aspect was of mixed success, so I did not post one for
> 2.3.  I'm glad you pinged about this; if those were useful, then I can plan
> on posting one for the release after 2.3.  As far as identifying
> committers' plans, the best option right now is to look for Shepherds in
> JIRA as well as the few mailing list threads about directions.
> For myself, I'm mainly focusing on fixing some issues with persistence for
> custom algorithms in PySpark (done), adding the image schema (done), and
> using ML Pipelines in Structured Streaming (WIP).
> Joseph
> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 6:52 AM, Stephen Boesch <> wrote:
>> There are several  JIRA's and/or PR's that contain logic the Data Science
>> teams that I work with use in their local models. We are trying to
>> determine if/when these features may gain traction again.  In at least one
>> case all of the work were done but the shepherd said that getting it
>> committed were of lower priority than other tasks - one specifically
>> mentioned was the mllib/ml parity that has been ongoing for nearly three
>> years.
>> In order to prioritize work that the ML platform would do it would be
>> helpful to know at least which if any of those tasks were going to be moved
>> ahead by the community: since we could then focus on other ones instead of
>> duplicating the effort.
>> In addition there are some engineering code jam sessions that happen
>> periodically: knowing which features are actively on the roadmap would 
>> *certainly
>> *influence our selection of work.  The roadmaps from 2.2.0 and earlier
>> were a very good starting point to understand not just the specific work in
>> progress - but also the current mindset/thinking of the committers in terms
>> of general priorities.
>> So if the same format of document were not available - then what content *is
>> *that gives a picture of where were headed?
>> 2017-11-29 6:39 GMT-08:00 Stephen Boesch <>:
>>> Any further information/ thoughts?
>>> 2017-11-22 15:07 GMT-08:00 Stephen Boesch <>:
>>>> The roadmaps for prior releases e.g. 1.6 2.0 2.1 2.2 were available:
>>>> 2.2.0
>>>> 2.1.0
>>>> ..
>>>> It seems those roadmaps were not available per se' for 2.3.0 and later?
>>>> Is there a different mechanism for that info?
>>>> stephenb
> --
> Joseph Bradley
> Software Engineer - Machine Learning
> Databricks, Inc.
> [image:] <>

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