To clarify what's going on here: dfs.blocksize and dfs.block.size set the
HDFS block size (the spark.hadoop. prefix adds this to the Hadoop
configuration). The Parquet "block size" is more accurately called the "row
group size", but is set using the unfortunately-named property
parquet.block.size. I think the reason why this was hard for anyone to
answer was that the HDFS block size was set correctly, but Parquet's row
group size was what the value was intended for.

HDFS doesn't know anything about Parquet's row group size and still splits
its blocks on the HDFS block size. Parquet tries to fit a whole number of
row groups into the HDFS blocks and will pad if necessary to avoid reading
a row group from multiple blocks. The Parquet community's recommendation
for row group size is to use a size that is large (tens of megabytes at a
minimum) and that divides the HDFS block size (to fit a whole number of row
groups). The default, 128MB row groups, is reasonable for all of the
datasets that I've tuned, but some use cases have opted for smaller values
(16 or 32MB) to increase parallelism.


On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 3:37 PM, chhsiao1981 <>

> Hi all,
> Found the answer from the following link:
> of-parquet-output-files.html
> I can successfully setup parquet block size with
> spark.hadoop.parquet.block.size.
> The following is the sample code:
> # init
> block_size = 512 * 1024
> conf =
> SparkConf().setAppName("myapp").setMaster("spark://spark1:
> 7077").set('spark.cores.max',
> 20).set("spark.executor.cores", 10).set("spark.executor.memory",
> "10g").set('spark.hadoop.parquet.block.size',
> str(block_size)).set("spark.hadoop.dfs.blocksize",
> str(block_size)).set("spark.hadoop.dfs.block.size",
> str(block_size)).set("spark.hadoop.dfs.namenode.fs-limits.min-block-size",
> str(131072))
> sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
> spark = SparkSession(sc)
> # create DataFrame
> df_txt = spark.createDataFrame([{'temp': "hello"}, {'temp': "world"},
> {'temp': "!"}])
> # save using DataFrameWriter, resulting 512k-block-size
> df_txt.write.mode('overwrite').format('parquet').save('hdfs:
> //spark1/tmp/temp_with_df')
> --
> Sent from:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

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